Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Brief History of Astronomers

History and the Universe (25 pts)
Scale the Solar System

Compile the following information into a project that reflects your understanding of the history of astronomy. This can be a series of powerpoint slides, a music video/rap, a vlog, a youtube video, or a series of blog posts.

  • Aristotle,
  • Hipparchus,
  • Ptolemy,
  • Carl Sagan,
  • Stephen Hawking,
  • Pope Gregory XIII,
  • Albert Michelson (Michelson-Morley experiment),
  • James Van Allen,
  • Henrietta Leavitt,
  • Copernicus,
  • Tycho Brahe,
  • Galileo Galilei,
  • Isaac Newton,
  • Edwin Hubble,
  • Albert Einstein,
  • Johannes Kepler,
  • Clyde Tombaugh,
  • Annie Cannon,
  • Arno Penzias/Robert Wilson,
  • S. Chandrasekhar,
  • Ray Davis/John Bahcall

For each astronomer: Include the years of their birth/death dates and a picture. Hint: Google Images will be especially helpful with this.

For each astronomer: Include one or two relevant contributions in astronomy (um, Galileo has FIVE), as well as the approximate year of those discoveries. Note if the information is from your book or a website Also note that this is a survey of astronomers; as a result, not all information will be found in your book.

Slide sorter: Use the slide sorter on Powerpoint to put the astronomers into order chronologically

Use the classroom book, Chapters 1 and 2, the index, and especially the links on pp 39 and pp. 57. While the pictures do not need to be referenced, the source for each astronomer MUST be listed at the bottom of each page.

Note: WIKIPEDIA is NOT a valid reference that can be listed. Neither is Google.com. They are starting points for future reference.

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