Thursday, March 12, 2009

Are There Aliens Out There?

Do you believe in aliens? Tell me what you think, and use the information found here to examine both sides of the question. Play with your assumption using the Drake equation. Post as a blog entry.

Religion vs. Science--The Big Bang??

As we have stated over and over in this class, there is no way to effectively overlap religion and science because they answer two fundamental questions. However, people still try to do it.
The most common religious belief in Manchester, IA is Christianity. Often, students ask if the Big Bang (science) and religious belief (which is NOT science) can be compatible. The answer, of course, depends on the specific tenets of your belief system. Roman Catholic and many Protestant religions argue that the two are compatible, suggesting one is DATA and one is DIVINELY REVEALED.
Here is the text from Genesis 1. Do you think this is a contradiction, or a support of the Big Bang Theory?

Enter as 3-4 paragraph blog post.

Hubble Deep Field

Go to the Hubble Galaxy Hunt activity. Take the time you need to explore, but when you are done, I need you to write a 4-6 paragraph reflection on your impressions, including data, statistics, and size factors. Do this on your blog. I will know it is the right post because I want you to link the image that is found here as a picture on your blog.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Galaxy Quest

Please watch these videos. Then, to find out more about Galaxies in general, go to Galaxy Zoo and Register. Go through the tutorial and print the Congratulations sheet at the end to hand in, as evidence. You must do this INDIVIDUALLY in either the north lab or in my room.

Then, work on your creative story about stellar evolution.