Thursday, March 12, 2009

Religion vs. Science--The Big Bang??

As we have stated over and over in this class, there is no way to effectively overlap religion and science because they answer two fundamental questions. However, people still try to do it.
The most common religious belief in Manchester, IA is Christianity. Often, students ask if the Big Bang (science) and religious belief (which is NOT science) can be compatible. The answer, of course, depends on the specific tenets of your belief system. Roman Catholic and many Protestant religions argue that the two are compatible, suggesting one is DATA and one is DIVINELY REVEALED.
Here is the text from Genesis 1. Do you think this is a contradiction, or a support of the Big Bang Theory?

Enter as 3-4 paragraph blog post.

1 comment:

  1. For something to exist it has to be made of something. If God is not made of something God does not exist. All substance is potentially open to scientific investigation (even though humans may never be able to realise that potential). If God is not scientifically observable then God does not exist. Therefore, even though theology is now just metaphysical guesswork of even less worth than mathematical attempts to discover the nature of things (which is itself just metaphysical guesswork but with numbers rather than words), true theology (if and when it is possible) will be the scientific investigation of God.
